Suspicious package handling
Suspicious package handling


Place the envelope or package in a plastic bag or some other type of container to prevent leakage of contents.

suspicious package handling

  • Do not pass the letter or package to others to look at.
  • Do not shake or empty the contents of any suspicious envelope or package.

    How to Handle Suspicious Unopened Letters or Packages.Shows a city or state in the postmark that does not match the return address.Marked with restrictive endorsements, such as "Personal" or "Confidential".Excessive security material such as masking tape, string, etc.Some characteristics of suspicious packages and letters include the following: How to Identify Suspicious Packages and Letters - Notify Security at x7777 if you receive a suspicious letter or package.Anthrax is not contagious and cannot be spread from person to person. Disease can be prevented after exposure to anthrax spores by early treatment with the appropriate antibiotics. Although any threatened use of a biological agent must be treated seriously, experience has demonstrated that most threats are likely to be hoaxes. Postal Service, and the Centers for Disease Control for identifying and handling suspicious mail and dealing with powder spills from letters and packages are listed below. Student Consumer Information/Right to Know.


    Career Planning and Professional Development.Preparing to Teach as a Doctoral Student.Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Programs.Do not walk around with the letter or shake it.When security and emergency services arrive, they will provide further instructions on what to do.Do not allow anyone to leave the office that might have touched the envelope.Wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least one minute.Indicate whether the envelope contains any visible powder or if powder was released. It will be extremely important for you to inform security what you have received and what you have done with it. An evacuation of the entire workplace is not necessary at this point.Isolate the specific area of the workplace so that no one disturbs the item.If a letter is received that contains powder or a written threat:


  • Disposable latex gloves may be worn, especially if you have open cuts or skin lesions on your hands.
  • Do not eat, drink, or smoke around mail.
  • Wash your hands with warm water and soap before and after handling mail.
  • General precautions to use if you handle large volumes of mail:
  • Arrived before or after a telephone call from an unknown person asking if the item was received.
  • No return address or a nonsensical address.
  • Arrived by hand delivery or been dropped off for a friend.
  • Improper spelling of common place names or titles.
  • Handwritten notes, such as: "To Be Opened in the Privacy of," "CONFIDENTIAL," or "Prize Enclosed.".
  • Foreign writing, addresses, or postage.
  • A city or state in the postmark that does not match the return address.
  • Excess postage on small packages or letters, which may indicate that the object was not weighed by the post office.
  • Handwritten addresses or labels from companies.
  • Leaks stains, or protruding wires, string, tape, etc.
  • Unusual lumps, bulges, or protrusions.
  • Addressees who are no longer with the department.
  • Return addresses from someone unexpected or unfamiliar to you.
  • Wash your hands with soap and warm water.ĭetecting Suspicious Packages and Letters.
  • suspicious package handling

    Quick Reminders if a Suspicious Letter or Package is Received All employees who regularly handle mail should take extra precautions. General awareness of one's surroundings and suspicious mail is appropriate. The risk of contracting any disease from an envelope is extremely low.

    suspicious package handling

    It is very important to pay close attention to all incoming correspondence. Find out how to handle suspicious packages at UMGC.

    Suspicious package handling